Been a while. The big reason for that is this site was having problems, a lot of them. And I had no idea how to fix them. I don’t know WordPress. I was moderately ok with HTML, but those days are gone. So I’m going to revamp this site and learn what I’m doing as I go. I will try to make Wednesday the new update and construction day for this site.
I’ve ditched several of the older pages as there were too many different ones a navigating this site was getting rough. And there is a weird glitch with thumbnails. some I can’t seem to change even after deleting and re-adding them. I you have pointers on what the heck I’m doing please visit my discord and holler at me.
I’m also going over some of the old comics and Fixing them up. Correcting bad visual glitches and all the little white spots I used to leave in them (very unprofessional!) I’ll also see about a new Gallery that’s only new stuff that will be emptied and added to each week.
So, please check back each week as I add back the old art in an easier layout and New Stuff on the “New Stuff!” page!
Also keep in mind nearly everything I draw gets posted onto my patreon first. and sometimes that’s the only way to see it for… A long time.